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La Dolce Vita

La Vida Dulce (The Sweet Life or as many know La Dolce Vita) is what most of us strive to have but are you opening doors to make it happen?

For some, the year 2016 has been a tough year -one to never looks back but we still have 12 more days!

I, for one, have been very affected by too many deaths this year but it has also inspired me to open doors into new thinking, new attitudes, to love more and live the moment to make my life sweeter.

Today, I challenge you to open doors to be a closer step to making your life as “dulce” as possible. And by “dulce” I mean to sweeten your soul, not your pockets. It could be just as simple as holding a door for an elderly person struggling to walk, a new parent with small children and a stroller, or just smile and say/wave hello to your neighbor.

May someone luck out today by your random act of sweetness – it will enrich you into opportunities just waiting to be knocking on your door!

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