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In time…

They say doors open when you least expect them. My life at times feels like I come across automatic doors and just walk through them effortlessly or extreme of doors being slammed so hard in my face by an invisible force that almost my nose gets smooched! During my favorite time in Miami, Art Basel artists help me open doors to my journey – little did I know when I came across this piece that it would talk to me in a way it has these last several weeks. Who can relate? So cheers to time, eventually it will make sense and if it doesn’t, well stay authentic to who you are, the right doors will open in due time! Btw, if anyone can identify this artist, please let me know so to give him/her credit where it’s deserved. πŸšͺπŸ€πŸ™πŸΌπŸŽ¨#luckedoutoday

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