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Until We Meet Again…

Today is a birthday of someone I knew that his shocking passing affected me tremendously seven years ago, I believe. Lost track of time. He annoyed me so much in seventh grade but they say that’s what boys do at 12 with girls at that stage. What I would give to be annoyed one more time! He was the class clown and Marky Mark was his fave in High School. I dedicate this “Puerta del Cielo” (Door of heaven) to all those loved ones that have passed through doors of our next life! May they be at peace, happy and watching over us. So love the ones we have here on Earth-never know when it will be the last time you are lucky enough to be able to say how much they mean to you! Until we meet again Jorge! 07.07.16πŸšͺπŸ€πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜” #luckedoutoday

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