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Winter Solstice

Today in the northern hemisphere, we open the doors into Winter Solstice. It is the beginning of cold and darkness in most countries however in Miami today it was high in the 80s, (don’t hate), I actually can’t stand it! Since the sun is shining farthest to the south, apparently down here it is still summer. I pretend to celebrate this change of season through my style and use of camera filters of deeper shades of blues, greens, purples at this fabulous door in one of my favorite spots in Miami!

All kidding aside, one of my fascinations with doors is related to climate. Many hold up warmth and others take out the heat. Today is a symbol that soon a new door will open into a very much awaited calendar year and looking forward to what this new season brings. May the sunny winter days of Miami shine up north to fill your front doors with the energy of the season and may the colder darker days that you want out of your homes come down here so we can wear scarves and boots without looking silly! #luckedoutoday

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