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Choose to Hold

We all crave for our hand to be held.

It’s been happening since birth. It gives us a sense of affection, protection, guidance and even calms us when it’s the right hands.

Who came to mind?

Your significant other? A child? A friend? Your aging parent? Maybe someone that was once special?

What if today is a fresh start or a second chance to open new doors? Whose hand would you chose to hold if you could into the remainder of the year? Would you dare go for it? What if he/she is thinking the same but fear sets in and misses out too?

Life is short the older we get and in a blink, all we want is our hand to be held too. It brings us peace, serenity and at times serendipity. It reminded me of this day in Andalucía, October 2015, where we saw the “hand of Fatima” everywhere. It is symbolic to ward off evil to your home so of course I had to hold her hand!

I was happy while with the person who took this picture, but couldn’t help to think of the “what ifs” of someone else that would give me butterflies every time he held my hand. Sigh… I have moved on but just recently, I keep feeling something and today life gave me a sign that doors are always opening if they are meant to be.

We all have a hand that will hold us when we feel scared, sad, excited and loved.

Whose hand will you choose to hold? 

Whose hand will you hold to help through a door?

Or yet, whose hand will surprise you to walk through a gorgeous door together? #luckedoutoday

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