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Friday the 14th

Friday the 14th! Sounds funny right?

Almost creepy.

In history, the number 14 isn’t the luckiest but it is also the number of love.

There are fourteen lines in a sonnet. It’s half way point to a new full moon and 7×2=14! If you ask me, I think it’s pretty lucky-in-love kind of number! Wink!

When I was in Marbella, I felt so lucky this night that I wanted to capture it with a beautiful door before the sky turned black.

So what determines your luck? Really?

Is it circumstances or is it life decisions when to open or close certain doors?

And when you know you have luck on your side, your dreams start to fall into place suddenly. So here’s to getting lucky on the 14! It’s really lucky number 7 #luckedoutoday

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