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A Dream

“Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase.” -MLK

Today we honor a man that opened doors to a new era but sadly his doors were closed too soon.

I dedicate this to keep your dreams alive!

As I reminisced my time in beautiful Marbella in Autumn of 2015, I couldn’t help but to capture this moment while wandering and exploring old town. I had a dream to go back to my roots since a child and that opportunity knocked when I least expected it.

Sometimes we don’t take a chance to open doors to your dreams and miss out, not me, well not anymore, whew! I’ve learned the hard way and glad I speak up now more than ever to open doors or close them to follow my dreams. So keep climbing stairs to reach goals, to stay in faith, to your happiness – it could bring you exactly to your dreams to take you to the next doors to open. #luckedoutoday

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