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Bye Bye!

Do we ever notice car doors?

Their power. Their sturdiness.

Notice, what they hold inside?

Our trust. Our confidence. Our excitement.  Our loved ones. Our sorrows and deepest thoughts to take you places.

To that opening of the car door on a first date that could lead to “the one” but also to saying good byes and slamming it!

I have had a love affair with Volkswagen forever! My very first car was a pre-owned white VW.

While all my friends and cousins had parents bought them cars or had a hand-me-down by HS graduation, I had just my legs and boy they were pretty and strong!

My family didn’t have the means even if I had awesome grades and a great daughter, I had to work for it and so I did juggling a full-time college education.

Maybe that’s why I’ve been so attached to VW?

It was first real purchase at only 19 that I was so proud of all on my own and it just spiraled into five models later.

But yesterday, and with a few good men in my life that lead me to believe I can let go of this love affair that no longer serves me, I closed these blue doors for good because I am deserving of what’s to come!

Cheers to opening new.. car doors! 03.25.16

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