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Can’t Wait to Come Home To

On a day like today…

My parents walked through these doors to make a vow to each other for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until…

I had the pleasure to walk through these doors last summer with them and well the rest I’ll keep to myself as I observed them reminiscing, priceless!

Today, many can’t even commit to open a door to the idea of romance beyond a text!

Insanity if you ask me.

When did we get so fearful to open the door to love? To take a chance?

Oh the excuses…

Only if commit to talk, to laugh, to connect, to open doors for each other. My parents have chosen not to close that door from their promise to each other and I find that so admirable. So today, I celebrate those couples that are crazy enough to keep their commitment to each other. May you luck out to find an amazing person you just can’t wait to come home to! Happy Anniversary to my parents!  #luckedoutoday

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