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Favorite Holiday

Today is my favorite holiday and five years later I’m back in Switzerland. With a different...

Argentinian doors and beer

Sometimes doors open when you least expect it while in Buenos Aires and it’s just magic!...

Women in Wine

There is a saying many say to… stop and smell the roses. However, when in Chile…...

Can’t Wait to Come Home To

On a day like today… My parents walked through these doors to make a vow to...

Twist of Plans

And in a twist of plans after an extremely long but productive work week… I got...

Door no. 3

What’s behind door no. 3? I’ll tell ya – it’s one of three that once its...

Stop to…

While on an impromptu getaway to Seattle these last few days… I noticed most homes have...

Cannot Escape!

Por unos días quise escapar al extremo de Miami para desconectar, visitar familia y abrir nuevas...

It’s the Best One!

Wine-making craft has been opening doors to so many fabulous moments for centuries even turning water...


The year was 1907. Doors to this water tower were opened at this serene city park...

No Coincidence

Just because… It’s Palm Sunday.  A special day I loved as a little girl. And so...

Encouragement and Support

A few weeks ago… just a few blocks from my hotel was this beautiful Italian Renaissance...

Stay Connected

Just because I love shades of turquoise and doors! After two plane rides, crossed the famous...

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

It took my fourth visit to Buenos Aires to truly appreciate more of it. Its history. ...

Secret Passage leads to open doors

We all have secrets.  At times secrets define our thinking, our behaviors and they mold us....

A Dream

“Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase.” -MLK...

Happy Color

Just because this is a gorgeous turquoise door I came across last year during a trip...


Living in South Florida opens doors to many opportunities especially when it comes to warmer climate. ...

La Dolce Vita

La Vida Dulce (The Sweet Life or as many know La Dolce Vita) is what most...

Getting “lost”

When I travel, I tend to wander, turn corners to explore and discover more than what...

Light of the World

Tonight in Colombia a beautiful Catholic tradition called “La Noche de las Velitas” (Little Candle Day)...

Imagine, Dream, Believe

Today we close the doors to November – finally the best month of all 2016! While...

Happy San Givin’

Today in my country we open doors to our loved ones to come together to celebrate...


While on a day road trip to find Ziggy Beach in Tulum relying on technology rather...

Dance and Celebrate

Last night I got the chance to dance and celebrate birthdays with friends I had not...

Do whatever You want!

One of the perks of solo travel is you get to do whatever you want, literally!...

We all Scream for Ice Cream

Though I am nostalgic of this incredible small city that opened doors to my soul thanks...


Today is a special day in my family life, it is this man’s 75th birthday that...

In Honor…

In honor of the 4th of July, what better way than to feature my birth city,...

Lucky Seven

July! The seventh month of the year. This number 7 is symbolic and referenced from lucky...

Turmoil and Richness

Fourth of my Buenos Aires series: In all my visits, I have noticed there is a...

A Good Read

Third of my Buenos Aires series… Sometimes all you need is a good read to tune...

“Music to My Ears”

There is a saying that is “music to my ears” and today is the second milestone...

Just Because!

Just because it’s a beautiful day and so it reminded me of this gorgeous entrance –...


Around the world is May Day. A day off to stop or “pare” to celebrate workers...

The Irony!

Exactly three years ago today after many visits to Mexico City for work and literally just...

Invisible “porta”

Rio de Janeiro! I have been obsessed with this sexy city for so long. From its...

Peek Inside

As we enter a new month full of possibilities, hope this inspires you. I came across...

Isn’t It Ironic?

While exploring the Castillo de San Marcos… I came across these magnificent cypress doors built by...

Cuteness and Color of Love!

Over the weekend I finally had the opportunity to visit a town I’ve learned so much...

Stop to “Smell the Roses”

It was October 2014. I had the pleasure to attend a regional meeting for work in...


While exploring the most fascinating city I’ve been to in a long time, this door brought...

THE Door!

I had been wanting to visit the south of Spain in specific, Andalucia. This longing to...

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