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Don’t Give Up!

So several doors closed on me today that I’ve worked for a while to open and it feels terrible!

They say when doors close it’s for a reason and not meant to be opened. What if it’s related to a dream you’ve had for so long? Do you just give up? Do you reflect to look within and see why that door closed?

Now, more than ever I need to fight for this dream to open an even grandeur door! I’ve always been a late bloomer slowly opening doors but once I am challenged, I envision it come to life that it usually happens, late with trials, but it happens!

If your heart’s desires are so strong, you have to keep opening doors until it happens.

Don’t give up!

Who cares if odds are against you, empower yourself!

Look in the mirror and take the time to reflect and laugh at that closed door because the right people will guide and support you to lead you to a more magnificent one that will open.

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