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Favorite Holiday

Today is my favorite holiday and five years later I’m back in Switzerland.

With a different purpose thankfully and yet still no sign of Halloween? The shock!

It made me think…

What have I done these five years?

So many opened doors and others I wished I hadn’t even tried to open in retrospect, who can relate?

It’s also been a few challenging months I haven’t felt like myself with so much sadness in the world but this morning that changed even if no sign of my favorite holiday, Halloween.

I came across this beauty that spoke to my heart. It’s as if it was a sign from God telling me to take in the details, the colors, the textures, the fresh air, the silence and reconnect to my soul that a new door is opening.

As crazy as it sounds, it made me happy! And when you feel that, well it’s a sign that door could lead you to celebrate life.

To my surprise, I did get to dress up after all and at work! #luckedoutoday

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