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Getting “lost”

When I travel, I tend to wander, turn corners to explore and discover more than what you find on the typical tourist trails. A few weeks ago while on a mini-get away, I was so happy to come across this adorable and colorful entrance on a mission to find a hammock. Hidden off of Quinta Alegría where it can be rather overwhelming with vendors desperate to sell you anything, stood this fun and vibrant entrance to someone’s home as if it is playing hide and seek to tell the world, “hey this is our heritage too, come by and see my beauty. I exist and I won’t be another souvenir shop!” Someone opens and closes that beautiful wrought iron gate daily.

Among the chaos and transformation of a sleepy beach town just 10 years ago, its doors are fighting to stay true to who they are.

This is what I love about getting “lost” while traveling.

Travel opens doors to amazing opportunities, to relax, to learn but my favorite is to discover! May your next trip open a door to discover something that catches your attention to stop and appreciate where you’re at!

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