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In Honor…

In honor of the 4th of July, what better way than to feature my birth city, New York! Through the doors of this magnificent Grand Central Terminal, many generations filled with hopes and dreams have walk through them since 1913 especially a man I call my father. Just a week ago, I brought him back after almost 30years not stepping foot in the very special place. When doors of freedoms and basic human rights were closed for my family in their beloved homeland, America opened its doors for them, the first was my father. Yes it was hard being political exiles leaving everything including your family. And yes they were discriminated against and ridiculed by heartless people trying to survive the 60s but they also came across good empathetic people that helped and taught them lessons. I always heard about those stories as a child and I still do in order to not forget where I came from and where I’m going. Β Boy have I heard of some interesting ones too on a few “American royals”, ha! In the good and bad of our politics, this is my home, the land of the brave and one that opens doors to many for a new life, a new adventure. Happy Birthday USA! I am lucky to call you home and celebrate. 07.04.16 πŸšͺπŸ€β€πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ‰ #luckedoutoday

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