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In the Beginning

Today marks one year anniversary I started this travel inspiration door project.

So many doors have opened and closed, near and far away too. Through my writing on how I see doors, it has inspired me as well to share life experiences and that keeps me going. Others have guided me to open doors while others helps me reflect on what matters.

As I celebrate this milestone, one of the most important doors I wanted to see since I can remember was this door right behind me here. It was the door that kept me and my family safe and warm in New York City in a time that it was so hostile, violent and trying to make ends meet. It is where my story began and it was one that I yearned to return with my parents so many years later.

And guess what?

Major bucket list check!

In all my travels close and far away none to this day has matter most than this one:

Simple, humble and nothing extraordinary but if it can talk… wow!

I always questioned why leave New York when so many doors open to everyone as Frank Sinatra’s song says, “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere”.

In a risky bold move and a train ride later,

Florida was the answer after many winters and a dying grandmother’s wish for a more simple life.

After being here with them, I see why they closed this door for good and never returned.

May you luck out with having loved ones that envision a better life, show you so much unconditional love in order for doors to be opened for a better future! Thanks for believing in this journey I’m on. Cannot wait to see what doors I’ll get to walk through, open or close to inspire you too! 01.03.16 #luckedoutoday

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