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Invisible “porta”

Rio de Janeiro!

I have been obsessed with this sexy city for so long. From its natural beauty, gorgeous sunset at Dois Irmão, vibrant culture, music, cuisine and is home to my fifth wonder of the world!

Even its names are so chic – Ipanama and Copacabana, “que legal”!

Thanks to my profession, that dream door was opened in 2013. A few days ago in-between an intense work week, presentations and so stressed with this Zika virus ordeal, walking back to my hotel an invisible door made up of Fiats and Renaults was shut in front of me right across from this gorgeous door. I had jogged passed it in prior visits but never noticed its details until circumstances made me.

When on overdrive, life at times forces you come to a halt to see what’s really in front of you. I challenge you to noticed a bit more your surroundings in this rushed stressed world we live in. They hold the keys to your dreams doors or make you see what doors to close for good. 04.07.16 #luckedoutoday

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