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“Keep Clear of Doors”

I have been on several dozens of the American Airlines Airtrain and known by heart when it says “keep clear of doors”.

In this instance…

I have to agree en route to San Diego yesterday. Some doors are alluring to open with a sense of leading you into a new destination that seems so exciting. Maybe it’s hope leading your heart or envisioning a goal.

However, some doors can trap you and if you don’t have a key…


Many doors scream beware to walk through them like this commuter train because it will hurt you if you don’t stay clear of the doors. So for today, we know it’s a risk to open and close certain doors but human nature tells us to do it anyway in hopes to get you to your next destination.

Some doors are not worth opening anymore.

Empower and love yourself enough to see and hear “keep clear of the doors” it might just lead you to the next bigger and better destination! #luckedoutoday

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