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Luck Happens

Those that know me well, know I love to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

In the US, it’s so amusing. Everyone wears green and/or pinch others if they don’t. All day yesterday, I received many sincere compliments from my smile to my outfit, aura, my leadership and even my crazy curls! Instead of embracing them, I struggled with accepting the nice day I was given as I had mix emotions thinking of the day that laid ahead for my cousins at the loss of their father’s passing too soon in Jersey.

Later in evening on a call with this one awesome person, he reminded me how lucky I am to be in the present moment. How many didn’t have today or wish to have better luck?

Luck happens all the time but only when we can see as I did coming across this door while in my adventures in Granada last year. It seems at first to be trapped behind an iron gate and a barricade on a hillside of an all white stucco cave neighborhood, but it is green! This door dares to stand out. Full of life and good fortune where it protects and loves its people. The best part though, it has La Alhambra as their front neighbor!

Lucky me I found it!

This door in many ways is me and could be you too. And though I have not found the pot of gold in some aspects of my life just yet, I have freedoms and luck from above.

Today, I honor this post to my cousins’ father and the meaning of family love. l am the lucky one who got to know him. May he RIP.

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