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Lucky Seven

July! The seventh month of the year. This number 7 is symbolic and referenced from lucky 7, Windows 7, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the Seven Wonders of the World just to name a few. On a mission so tired to find a particular restaurant overlooking La Alhambra, didn’t realize until today I happened to be on the 7th day of my “Eat Pray Inspire” journey in the South of Spain. I came across this home that called so much to me – had no other than the number 7 over its door. Sitting on one of the stumps just admiring the neighborhood after hours of getting lost on purpose in Sacramonte, on the right side street was THE restaurant!

Seven months after taking this picture, I took a huge leap of faith in May to open a door I have tried so many times to no success but now on my way. Life at times is giving you neon flashing signs we don’t notice so focused on the moment or a drama that the answer was revealed to us in a very subtle manner. Today on this lucky month of July, may you open doors that will bring you to that place of peace and happiness you so deserve! 07.01.16 🚪🍀🙏🏼❤ #luckedoutoday

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