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“Music to My Ears”

There is a saying that is “music to my ears” and today is the second milestone on my travel inspirational journey = 100 followers!

Thank you! Gracias! Obrigada! Mercí! Grazie!

So grateful for my friends, family and very cool fellow travel and door enthusiasts supporting my little project with huge dreams. The more I tap into the meaning of doors in our lives, the more I see how it is all interrelated to a memory, scenarios, lessons learned.

Coming across this guitar shop in a small quaint street, I was nostalgic of my childhood when music was a huge part of my life – it was my third language, my world after school and a way to annoy my brothers too. Haha…

And though today that door isn’t necessarily opened as it was, I am opening the doors to my nieces and nephews to learn about music reading which they love it but to me it’s priceless!

What doors have brighten your day and have inspired others? 05.15.16  #luckedoutoday

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