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My Cookie Girl

Sometimes behind a closed door is a beautiful dog so excited waiting for you to come home.

I dedicate this to our so pretty family dog Genie.

I had my reservations to share this private moment that happened a few days ago publicly but what the hell, maybe I’ll inspire someone to love their pet more or get a dog. One of the best memories I hold is she would stay by the front door just waiting for my brother to come home just like this. When she was a puppy, she would scratch my bedroom door when I still lived at home crying to let her in so she can sleep at the foot of my bed. And when she wanted to go outside, you had to drop everything to open the door. She had a good life, so funny and very much loved.

Genie wasn’t just a dog but my “little sister”.

So no matter how bad of a day you have, if you are fortunate enough to have a dog waiting for you behind the door, remember we are their only world and that is priceless! I love you my cookie girl and know one day we will be reunited.  #luckedoutoday

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