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New Season

Today is the first day of Spring north of the Equator. Living in a sub-tropical climate, it isn’t experienced much other than blue skies and still little humidity (hallelujah!) but we do start seeing fruit trees blooming and fun colors in fashion and beauty. However, I associate Spring with manicure mid-evil gardens since I was a little girl that captivated me on a field trip to the gorgeous Vizcaya museum and gardens in Miami.

As I learned more about its components from its majestic pines, fountains, gates, fishponds, endless beds of roses, it was also a source of livelihood where fruits, veggies and herbs were planted all to perfected manicured sections. I knew from then on one day I had to experience an authentic one and voila, here I am. Though it was Autumn, the weather in the south of Spain is so unique that it can transport you to experience a different season from one day to the next. As adults, we have the power to experience those magical moments that impacted us as children when we are in need of growth just as a new season begins. May this Spring season open new doors to lead you to moments of pure joy and rejuvenation! 🚪🍀😍🌹 03.20.16 #luckedoutoday

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