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It was Saturday morning, Sept. 19, 2015.

After visiting one of my favorites, The Highline in my birth city proudly wearing my Yankees gear right before heading to Jersey to see my family. Little did I know I’d come across these doors that caught my attention – at the time wasn’t aware of my love of doors and their meaning in life. There is an organic beauty between the clean architecture, art and raw graffiti yet it flows.

These days the world doesn’t flow.

So many feel doors have closed for good and others relieved doors are finally opening. It’s crazy!

Maybe what we need is…

more reason.

more kindness.

more communication.

more work and less hate, less entitlement! 

And yes, it all comes at a high cost sooner or later but we have to work towards opening doors of love, kindness and understanding first with ourselves. Each one of us has the power to open doors to make something happen just like this quote above me says but I’ll just add a “she” because I can and so can you.

May you luck out today to know what door to knock on -you just might be surprised to be welcomed in with the right words and actions expressed.

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