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Stay Connected

Just because I love shades of turquoise and doors! After two plane rides, crossed the famous US-Tijuana border, three time zones, an overnight stay in Tijuana and a 90-minute car ride along the Pacific with your team (yes that’s the life of an Intl career), doors were finally opened to a very short day visit to Ensenada end of October 2016! So after an intense and productive coaching session with my team of course my guardian angel conspired to bring me to this funky door at a marina that just happened to be opened. It was a reminder that doors open in the least places in the most unusual times through circumstances when you’re connected and present. Today, remind yourself to stay connected – doors are opening to your heart’s desires when you least expect them, so exciting!πŸšͺπŸ€πŸ™πŸΌπŸ”œ #luckedoutoday

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