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A month ago, I saw this door on a city hike on my way up to...

Don’t Give Up!

So several doors closed on me today that I’ve worked for a while to open and...

Door no. 3

What’s behind door no. 3? I’ll tell ya – it’s one of three that once its...

It’s the Best One!

Wine-making craft has been opening doors to so many fabulous moments for centuries even turning water...


Five days ago, doors were wide opened but not today. I’ve always struggled with why Good...

No Coincidence

Just because… It’s Palm Sunday.  A special day I loved as a little girl. And so...

A Dream

“Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase.” -MLK...

La Dolce Vita

La Vida Dulce (The Sweet Life or as many know La Dolce Vita) is what most...

A Good Read

Third of my Buenos Aires series… Sometimes all you need is a good read to tune...


Around the world is May Day. A day off to stop or “pare” to celebrate workers...

The Irony!

Exactly three years ago today after many visits to Mexico City for work and literally just...

Opened Doors

A week ago today, my family life changed! These front doors remained opened all day to...

Isn’t It Ironic?

While exploring the Castillo de San Marcos… I came across these magnificent cypress doors built by...

Nice Move Starbucks!

When in the land of Juan Valdez (aka Colombia) walking around one of my fave areas,...

Stop to “Smell the Roses”

It was October 2014. I had the pleasure to attend a regional meeting for work in...


While exploring the most fascinating city I’ve been to in a long time, this door brought...

THE Door!

I had been wanting to visit the south of Spain in specific, Andalucia. This longing to...

Guardian Door

These opened doors hold a special place in my heart. They are guardians of strength to...

A New Beginning

Wonder what’s behind a closed door? Curious to look inside when one is opened or even...

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