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Door number 4

Today, is the fourth day of November 2017. It’s a special day since it’s my absolutely...

Women in Wine

There is a saying many say to… stop and smell the roses. However, when in Chile…...


A month ago, I saw this door on a city hike on my way up to...

Twist of Plans

And in a twist of plans after an extremely long but productive work week… I got...

Door no. 3

What’s behind door no. 3? I’ll tell ya – it’s one of three that once its...

Declare your Dreams

Behind these closed doors so many dreams have come true. Ten months ago on a day...

Faith and Hope

Today, new doors open for those in the Christian faith with the greatest message of all,...

No Coincidence

Just because… It’s Palm Sunday.  A special day I loved as a little girl. And so...

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

It took my fourth visit to Buenos Aires to truly appreciate more of it. Its history. ...

Secret Passage leads to open doors

We all have secrets.  At times secrets define our thinking, our behaviors and they mold us....

A Dream

“Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase.” -MLK...

Happy San Givin’

Today in my country we open doors to our loved ones to come together to celebrate...


While on a day road trip to find Ziggy Beach in Tulum relying on technology rather...

“Music to My Ears”

There is a saying that is “music to my ears” and today is the second milestone...

Just Because!

Just because it’s a beautiful day and so it reminded me of this gorgeous entrance –...


Around the world is May Day. A day off to stop or “pare” to celebrate workers...

The Irony!

Exactly three years ago today after many visits to Mexico City for work and literally just...

Isn’t It Ironic?

While exploring the Castillo de San Marcos… I came across these magnificent cypress doors built by...

Stop to “Smell the Roses”

It was October 2014. I had the pleasure to attend a regional meeting for work in...

THE Door!

I had been wanting to visit the south of Spain in specific, Andalucia. This longing to...

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