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The Artist

What’s behind this magnificent door?

If I were to tell you that it is a symbol to open doors to appreciate good health, to live the moment and just let nature take its course would you believe me? When I came across this door, it made such an impression while on a mini-escape back in November 2016. Intriguing, hand-carved, made in Mexico yet many walk through them daily and don’t truly see them. It made me think about the artist who took time to create such beauty out of a piece of wood and bring it to life for our protection, for our pleasure, for our use yet his/her work is invincible for most. How many times do we feel that way?

When our health isn’t 100% we get to see who wants to be our doors to protect us, to bring us pleasure, to bring us back to life and make us feel we truly matter. These past weeks, doors closed abruptly due to bad health while away from home. It was truly horrible to be alone so sick feeling helpless depending on kindness of strangers but at same time I was been able to see thanks to my phone who wants to protect me, who wants to bring me pleasure and who makes me feel that I matter. If you are lucky to have people in your life that want to be your door when feeling bad, let nature take its course – they are symbols to help you open doors. Do you see them? I sure do and relieved on road to recovery now.  #luckedoutoday

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