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The Irony!

Exactly three years ago today after many visits to Mexico City for work and literally just work, eat and sleep, I got a wish come true – made it to the Basilica de la Virgen de Guadalupe, the most visited pilgrimage site in the world for Roman Catholics.

Now the irony…

So many Catholics that I know living there feared going and warned me not to even bother due to its surrounding neighborhood. However, thanks to no other than an Orthodox Jew, opened the doors to help me get there and at no point did I ever feel unsafe.

Here we see a faithful and devoted woman at the entrance on her knees that so many do. The wooden carved door is from the old church and the narrow colorful one is from the actual Basilica where it is believed to be the spot where Mary appeared to Juan Diego.

Goes to show you that when you respect others beliefs, you never know where luck will find you. 04.23.16

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