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The Power

Waking up this Sunday morning is about reflecting on what door must close in order to open a new one into abundance and peace. Sometimes we are lost with too many doors that look the same on the surface but they are all different. Some suck the life out of you completely jammed and no way out. Others you try to open to have headwinds that you feel the need to be the Superhero to get through it and if you’re wearing a short skirt, watch out! Haha…. and others, well just simply open automatically with a sensor that was watching you to get through it or I’d like to believe it is more by divine intervention. We all have the power to start the day right and get through the doors of the day. What kind of doors will you encounter today?! Only the day will tell! 🚪🍀❤💪🏼#luckedoutoday

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