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Turmoil and Richness

Fourth of my Buenos Aires series: In all my visits, I have noticed there is a mix of much turmoil and richness seen in its architecture. This magnificent door is one of my favorites! The graffiti could have been covered up easily but it has stayed there raw for the world to see. There is a strange beauty to it – details are so intricate, complex almost perfect but this made it raw and real, just like the city is. Sometimes we are like this too. We keep doors closed until we are ready to be exposed yet sometimes that backfires and we stay stuck. Today, don’t be afraid to open that door to a potential positive change you’ve been wanting just because you feel your flaws own you – could actually lead you to the best life ever!🚪🍀😍🙏🏼 05.29.16 #luckedoutoday

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